Today we celebrate the feast of Epiphany. From the origin of the name, it means “manifestation, appearance, or the revelation of the light.” We are celebrating the manifestation of Jesus, the light (Jn 8:12), to the whole world. He revealed himself to those near and far. Today’s feast is the feast of light. The essence of light is to shine for others and shouldn’t be hidden (Mtt.5:15). Jesus, the light shines for all nations, as Simeon prophesied at his presentation in the Temple (Luke 2:32). Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, but for the whole of humanity.

The prophecy of Isaiah in the first reading shows us that every living being will converge at the rising of that light and will gather around the light whose radiance falls on all. The responsorial psalm tells us that all these gathered people will prostrate and worship before the Lord, who is our light and who reigns over all. St Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, reaffirmed that God’s message, which was given to the apostles and prophets, was also given to him and the pagans. Jesus is that message – the word of the Father, given to all. The gospel reading contains the story of the visit of the Magi, who travelled from a distance, guided by the Star, which rose from the east, to behold the newborn king. When they found him, they worshipped and offered him their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

Jesus has revealed himself to us all. But only those who accept him or seek him with a sincere heart can truly see him. We are all looking for answers to the questions and puzzles of life that confront us, like the Magi. In their case, their experiences led them to Jesus. Jesus answers the ultimate questions we all explore in the sciences, religion, and our lives. Do we recognise Jesus as the king, even in the tiny form of a baby or in the consecrated species of Bread and wine, to worship and adore? What gifts do we have for him? O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!

The Announcer! – The Epiphany of the Lord