This Sunday, we reflect on John’s testimony of identifying Jesus as the Christ. We are reminded of how the Holy Spirit descended on him, which symbolizes an anointing by the Holy Spirit, hence that Jesus is the Messiah (Christ). John also explained that his vocation was to make Christ known to the people. His life’s mission was all about revealing this Christ to Israel.

Let us think about ourselves: can we identify Jesus in our time? Jesus passes our way every day. We encounter him in the Holy Mass in the species of bread and wine. In human form, we can identify him in the people we come across each day, people we do not know, the strangers we meet, the neighbours we have, the people we meet along the streets and in the shop, the poor and needy, the sick and afflicted, those troubled and lacking comfort, and so on. If we can see Jesus in them, we shall also be like Jesus to them. How come?

Because we are to be light unto them, God said, “I will make you the light of the nations so that my salvation may reach the ends of the earth.” To be the light is to be Jesus (Jn8:12, Mtt.5:14) for them. God has called us and sanctified us, and given us a message, a mission, a purpose, to bring his salvation to people everywhere, to make his joy, love, and peace known to all; to make people feel his presence in the world despite the awful experiences we have from time to time.

Let today’s readings remind us of our Christian vocation. Let us see ourselves in St John the Baptist as people who have the mission to reveal Christ to the world, as the holy People of Jesus Christ called to take their place among the saints everywhere (2R), and who are the servants of the light (1R) – Jesus Himself. God bless you!

The Announcer! – 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time