Today, we reflect on our faithful stewardship in God’s kingdom in our world. The Catechism teaches us that the purpose of our being, why God made us, is that we know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this world, to be with Him eternally in the joys of heaven. Thus, the word of God directs us to meditate on our stewardship within the family of God in our loving relationship with Him.

The first reading from the book of Proverbs talks about this stewardship with an image of a virtuous woman being the pride and joy of her man because of her character. The passage speaks of her diligent and hardworking spirit and commitment to the welfare of her household. She manages her resources wisely, ensuring to meet the needs of her family. She reflects the essence of faithful stewardship.

In his letter to the Thessalonians, St. Paul urges us to live as children of the light, be alert, and self-controlled. He reminds us that we are not in darkness, and the day of the Lord will not overtake us like a thief. Those who are in the light are those who have Jesus in them. Their actions distinguish them because everything they do is clearly in the light of Christ. The passage calls us to be vigilant and mindful of our actions and their impact on our lives and others.

In the gospel reading of St. Matthew, Jesus tells us the parable of the Talents. A master entrusts his servants with different amounts of money, and upon his return, he evaluates how each servant has managed his resources. The faithful servants, who invested and multiplied what their master gave them, receive commendation. However, the one who buried his talent out of fear faced consequences. The parable invites us to reflect on how we use the gifts God has given us. Are we multiplying and investing those gifts for the kingdom or burying them in fear or complacency?

As we strive to live virtuously in the service of God’s kingdom on earth by walking in the light of Christ and using our talents wisely, let us remember that our stewardship is not only about managing resources but advancing the kingdom of God. It is all a voluntary service for the love of God.

The Announcer! – 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time