Gaudete! Rejoice! Having gone midway through the Advent season, the Church calls us to rejoice because the Lord’s coming is close. The pink advent candle we have lit today reminds us of the rejoicing at the Lord’s coming.

In the first reading, Isaiah announces this theme of rejoicing at the Lord’s coming. The essence of this Joy is what God’s salvation meant in practical terms for the people. Hence, it is the Joy of restoration and healing when the blind sees, the deaf hears, the lame leaps, and the dumb sing for Joy. This Joy is possible because everyone will see God’s glory.

The responsorial psalm is a joyful invitation of the Lord to come and save us.

In the gospel reading, referring to His miraculous works, which the prophecy of Isaiah mentioned, Jesus gave John the Baptist this message valid for all of us, too: “happy is the man who does not lose faith in me.” Faith in Jesus was essential for John to have Joy and peace in his suffering in prison. Therefore, the Joy we celebrate comes through faith and trust in God.

In the 2nd reading, St James urges us to adopt patience like a farmer and never lose heart while we wait for the Lord.

Let us joyfully and patiently wait on the Lord. Let this Joy bring us healing from any form of pain and sorrow, depression and sadness, hatred and anger. Let it restore our peace. Pause a while and meditate on how you can contribute to bringing the Joy of the Lord to those who don’t feel it as Christmas approaches.

The Announcer 3!